Legatsy Consulting
We are here to help your business to grow exponentially from Conception, Operation to Development

Legatsy Coaching and Consulting Ltd. is a company registered in Quebec in January 2021 under the Companies Act (Part I), CQLR, chapter C-38. It’s mission is to support small and medium size enterprises to start, manage and scale their production efficiently and sustainably.

Our Core Values are:
Empathy: Our major focus is on client satisfaction – we have our clients’ best interest at heart. Legatsy consultants are more than teammates, we share strong ties among ourselves.
Integrity: We do our best to carry out our assignments to the best of our abilities and within the time frame agreed upon.
Dream Big: Our goal is to over deliver so that our clients remain loyal to us, and refer us eventually. Therefore, we are constantly researching and training to improve our skills in order to remain on top of our game.
We provide services to private companies and civil society organizations alike. We intervene at three levels:
conception, operations and development.

At this initial stage, we support aspiring entrepreneurs and existing entrepreneurs alike to finetune their business ideas into a feasible business, taking into account the legal, environmental and financial implications. We provide done-for-you services in business plan writing, market research and financial planning. We also conceive and design manuals and procedural documents.

Once your business kicks off production, it is important to ensure the efficient use of resources and also ensure that the company goals are being met. We support at this stage by providing training and capacity building, support for sales and marketing, client management, leadership and human resource management, financial management, operational efficiency and strategic planning.

Our support to civil society organizations also begins at the inception of their project ideas, implementation till the evaluation of the projects. Our services at the initiation phase include concept note and project design, feasibility studies, baseline studies and livelihood assessment. We also do value chain analysis and development, food systems assessment, monitoring and evaluation, ex-post and impact evaluation.
FULE CHI B., Agro-economist.
Thanks to the Erasmus Mundus AFEPA program, she obtained a double international master’s degree in economics and Agricultural Engineering from SLU, Sweden and UCL, Belgium, respectively. She also holds a BSc. in Agricultural Engineering with specialization in Rural Extension and Agricultural Economics from the University of Dschang, Cameroon. She has taken many short professional courses in impact evaluation, results-oriented M&E, training of trainers in agricultural entrepreneurship, among others.
ALI K. FESTUS, Rural Development Expert.
Also, he possesses knowledge and experience in upscaling innovations, providing technical advisory services to producers, transformers and distributors of food commodities. He has worked for GIZ Cameroon, Heifer International and other local NGOs in strategic and programme planning as well as capacity development in results-based management. Thanks to his commitment, he has been distinguished by the government of Cameroon who awarded him a Labour Medal of Honour. He also received a Certificate of service recognition from Heifer International USA for the incredible service offered to his community through the organization.
Being an Erasmus Mundus Fellow, he holds an International Master Degree in Rural Development and a Master’s Degree in Business Management.
Gaston Ngochembo, Agribusiness Value Chain Development Expert.
He moved to lead AgriDynamic in Cameroon in 2015 and has been responsible for project development, monitoring and evaluation of all activities of the organisation. Apart from that, he taught agribusiness management courses in the Catholic University of Cameroon, The Bamenda University of Science and Technology and he is a research fellow investigating innovations adoption in the agricultural sector as part of the College of Technology of the University of Bamenda Cameroon. He is a holder of an Advanced Master degree in International development, a Master’s degree in Agribusiness management; a Bachelor degree in marketing communication all in Universities in the Netherlands.
PETER SHILLIE, PHD, Business Strategy & Evaluation Expert.
It is worth mentioning that recently, he ventured into the digital sphere, bringing to existence Quicklocate- A digital Business Hub providing a platform for the trading of skills and services. www.quicklocate.net, where he is the founder and chair. Also, he is trying to establish a social entrepreneurial venture called Development Support Services with the mission of Providing Value Added Services for a Better Outreach.
As concerns teaching, Shillie has teaching experience spanning from the secondary to tertiary education. His teaching career began as a part timer in GHS Elak Oku. Currently, Shillie lectures at the University of Bamenda Cameroon, The Catholic University of Cameroon Bamenda, The Bamenda University of Science and Technology
Shillie’s research interest include Agricultural Value Added, Agriprenuerial Training and Skills Development, Technology and SMES, Indigenous Knowledge (with more focus on the Economic and Business case of the Bio-economy), Social Entrepreneurship and Poverty Alleviation, Resilience Building, Futures Studies, Green Growth, Business Strategy, Project Management (with more emphasis on Risk and Sustainability Analysis).
DIFFO MARCOUS, Agricultural Economist.
Marcous studied at the university centre of Dschang where he graduated as an agricultural engineer with specialization in management and cooperation .On the one hand ,he has been a trainer of agricultural technicians and entrepreneurs for over 30 years.He has been chief of department of agricultural economics and management at the technical school of agriculture Bambili. He also holds a master’s degree in agricultural education from the university of Reading in Britain .He has taken many short professional courses in microcomputers for agricultural development at wye college University of London.,feed compounding at Tsa Bambili ,training of trainers in agricultural entrepreneurship and technicians in balmayo and bambui among others.On the other hand ,he has been the agricultural adviser of the General manager (proprietor) of the Groupe Manfouo in Douala. He orientates him in decision making in different organisations as far as agricultural and agro-industrial sectors are concerned .He coordinates and supervises the implementation of the decisions made .He has been doing this for 23 good years.